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标签:开发技巧 账号申请 业界动态 教程文库 APP打包 IPA上传助手 被拒原因 证书制作

Guideline 5.3.4 - Legal - Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries

Your app enables users to purchase lottery tickets but does not have the necessary licensing and permissions for the locations where the app is used.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please provide documentary evidence of the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations your app can be used in.


For information on location awareness options, please review the Location and Maps Programming Guide, available in the iOS Developer Center.

If you are interested in implementing geo-blocking, please review Monitoring Shape-Based Regions.

For information on how to edit the App Stores your app is available in, please review the Availability, pricing, and territory rights section of iTunes Connect Developer Help.

上一篇:收费标准 下一篇:让服务器创建IPv6隧道地址
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